Schooling Our Children to Hell

Schooling Our Children to Hell

Full Show Description Public school is killing your children’s soul. You must get your children out, and you need to do it now. The public school is an institution designed for one purpose: Indoctrinate your children into sin. That’s it. That is it’s whole purpose....
Humanism is the Biggest Threat

Humanism is the Biggest Threat

Full Show Description Humanism is the most dangerous ideology to take hold in the West. Humanism is Luciferianism. The reason Satan was kicked out of heaven was pride. He wants, more than anything, to become God. Humanism is the exact. Same. Spirit. We are becoming...
The Implosion of the Deep State

The Implosion of the Deep State

Full Show Description It’s happening folks. You need to understand. Right now the war is raging in the halls of American government. The two sides are fighting like never before, and we don’t even realize it. Donald Trump is ripping apart the Deep State in an amazing...