I went to Springfield, Ohio last week. Me and a couple dozen of my friends made the trip to pray over the city. We, like most of you, had heard the hype about the eating of ducks and cats. Too be honest, in today’s America anything is possible. So, we went to see firsthand.

What follows is some first-hand eyeball reactions to what we experienced.

Regardless of your political affiliation, it is important for you to know that YOUR Government…both Republicans and Democrats have sold you out. The criminals in this entire escapade are the Governmental officials. They are derelict in the duties. They are guilty of malfeasance.

Malfeasance is defined as “intentionally doing something that is wrong, either legally or morally. Malfeasance is a dishonest act, an action undertaken for improper purposes, or an act that the individual knows exceeds his authority. This is not to be confused with “misfeasance,” which refers to doing something that is wrong by mistake, error, or negligence, or “nonfeasance,” which refers to a failure to act when under an obligation to do so.”

All of our elected officials take an oath when they are sworn into office. Although the oath may vary depending on the office, all oaths contain these words: “ …to the best of my ability, ‘Support, Preserve, Protect and Defend’ the Constitution of the United States…” From school board member to members of the highest offices in the land they all swear the same oath.

Malfeasance is violating that oath. It is a crime punishable by removal from office, incarceration, and in some cases, financial retribution.

This is not about cats and ducks. This is not about Haitians, racism, and voter fraud. This about the financial damages done to the average American Mom and Pop by the illegal actions of Government. It is no more simple than that.

Look at this chart. It shows you the amount EACH AMERICAN CITIZEN has been forced to pay for illegal immigration. Simply scroll down the chart and you will see how much YOU are on the hook for in the illegal immigration scheme. In Ohio, it happens to be $785.18 million. If my math is correct, that comes out to a little over $71,000 PER OHIO’s 11 million CITIZENS!!

This ain’t about cats and geese. It is about GREENBACKS…and YOUR elected officials have given out “Government money” and sent you the bill. By the way, the “Government” has no money. It is PUBLIC money…not Government, and they have NO AUTHORITY to give YOUR money to another person…let alone NON-CITIZENS…even if it were the “Christian” thing to do. Coveting and stealing are both sins.

Just this week, our Ohio Governor Mike DeWine…who by the way…lives less than 15 miles from Springfield…allocated $2.5 million to Springfield to help with the immigration issue. It seems President Trump smoked DeWine out when he mentioned “eating cats and geese” in the debate the other night.

Want some icing on the cake? Governor DeWine who lives 15 miles from Springfield has a “ministry” that his family set up to help Haitian Refugees. His ministry, as noble as it might be, has no right to destroy Springfield, Ohio through the decisions of his office. Read it here. Strange bedfellows…eh? DeWine…Haiti…Springfield?

This ain’t about cats and geese.

Oh…I hear the carnival barkers. Racist…bigot…homophobe…hater…for simply objecting to the “Government” putting my wife and I in debt for over $100,000 to advance DeWine’s philanthropy. Do you get it yet? This ain’t about who is eating what. It is about the Government cannibalizing the American Dream.

Look, the illegals get the pushback but how can you blame them? The Government INVITED them to town. Wait…actually paid their way…gave them bank accounts…drivers licenses…and the right to vote! Ohio’s Motor Vote law actually REGISTERS illegals to vote when they get a driver’s license.

FOLKS…ILLEGALS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE…yet the government registers them and sends them a ballot. Our government actually makes an illegal migrant a criminal if they show up and cast the ballot! Why would they think it is wrong for them to vote? Cripe…the Government registered them!! If an illegal votes he is subject to deportation! The Government is actually CREATING criminals!!

This sure ain’t about cats and geese.

I could go deeper. You see, the illegals don’t actually vote…but those ballots are eventually picked up by “mules” who are kind enough to cast the mail-in ballots FOR the illegals…saving the Haitians a trip to the polls…and gas in the cars that they drive with illegal licenses and debit cards funded by you and me…ahem…sorry…funded by the Government.

And we haven’t even mentioned the non-citizens Obama and crew are shipping across the Southern border in their desire to “radically transform” America.

My friends, the Government are the crooks. They ALL know what is going on. Both sides of the aisle. If Republicans really wanted to win then they would expose this two-card monte that they are using against us.

Did you ever notice that no matter which side wins nothing ever REALLY changes?

This ain’t about ducks, and geese or cats and dogs. It is about out-of-control, dishonest Government, and dishonest Government officials.

Do you really expect a Government official to expose the chicanery of one of his partners in crimes? Especially if he might get caught in the same web?

Ducks fly in formation…in flocks.

That’s what is really going on in Springfield. And….BTW…coming to a city near you.

The REAL criminals have Government jobs. Quack, Quack.