I don’t know about you but I literally don’t trust ANYTHING the Government tells us anymore. It is all propaganda driven by dark agendas.

Dorothy discovered it for us when she exposed the Wizard. Who can every forget his clear and direct advice.


Evidently the Wizard knew a few things that the rest of us did not. Why do I find myself feeling like Toto?

Number 1 …there is a curtain. Number 2…there is someone hiding behind it. Number 3…the “person” behind it is pulling some levers. And number 4 the “levers” are what is causing all the chaos.

Most people don’t realize that the world is, in fact, controlled by a power that most of us cannot…or will not see.

In fact, those pulling on the Wizard’s levers are hell-bent (literally) on making sure that the TRUTH never makes it outside of the curtain behind which the Wizard manipulates the world.

I have spent the last 20 years of my life as a conspiracy analyst. I simply ask the obvious questions that no one else seems capable of asking. You know…why won’t they release the JFK files…what made Tower 7 collapse…how come we never returned to the moon…why can they find over 1000 J6ers across America but we can’t seem to find the names on then Epstein list?

Does this bother anyone but me? Inquiring minds want to know.

We just completed a data gathering trip to the hurricane Helene aftermath and our trip there actually produced more questions than answers. Where is FEMA? How did the storm STRENGTHEN as it moved throughout the mountains? Where is FEMA? Where did all of FEMA’s money go? Where is Joe Biden? Where is FEMA?

You know, simple questions that the average high school dropout should be wanting answered. So…we went to find out.

We haven’t found all of the answers, yet, but the big question everyone is asking is how did this storm grow so big…so fast? (BTW…this is being written BEFORE Milton’s arrival).

America is under judgement. We Americans love to look at ourselves as “good people,” but the reality is we have become a very wicked nation…especially our Government. Abortion, trannyism, child trafficking, lawlessness, foreign entanglements…a long laundry list of reasons why we deserve a God-initiated spanking. Don’t ever forget the Bible’s admonition that “the rain falls on the just and the unjust.” National sins have individual impact.

There are none righteous. No, not one.” When the judgement of God comes, we will all feel it.

So, get to the point, Coach” I hear you thinking. So, here we go.

The storms are being manipulated. They are man-enhanced if not man made. Geo-engineering is a real thing. Our “government, for years, has had the ability to manipulate the weather. It isn’t even open for debate. It is NOT a conspiracy theory!!

Where’s the Beef?” Well, here you go. Take some time to watch the video’s linked below. They are all short and to the point. If you really want to look behind the curtain this will be a great place to start. This is information. Not mis-information, or dis-information or whatever moniker your favorite free speech -blocker wants to use. As Joe Friday famously said…Just the Facts, Ma’am.

Here is a great website on weather manipulation https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/.

Here is some great info on Project Cirrus https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247112 and the Government’s attempt in 1947 to modify the weather.

How about former CIA director and Government-crook John Brennan explaining it for you here? Or Senate hearings from 1995 explaining weather manipulation?

My friends, they can direct the weather. It isn’t even open for debate anymore. What do you think happened in Maui?

We are in the midst of a SPRITUAL WAR…read Psalm 2. Our ONCE Christian-based government is now under control of a Luciferian cabal. What was it Klaus Schwab told us…you will own nothing and be happy? The systematic destruction of America is right in front of us. Can’t you see it? Smart cities. Fake Pandemics. Election tampering?

Watch this!! The Kings of the earth are opposed to Christ and His children.

By the way…have you seen the videos of BLM…the ACLU…and ANTIFA doing disaster relief in the Bible belt? Me either.

One of the things that really popped out on our trip into Tennessee and Carolina was the absence of FEMA and the way THE PEOPLE have stepped up to take care of their neighbors. MAGA is not about Donald Trump. It is about people…the old America where Christians took care of people.

Our ministry, Pass The Salt, is boots on the ground. We are partnering with other CHRISTIAN ministries and are committed to taking the LIGHT OF THE WORLD to those who need it most. You can support our efforts HERE. Yes…your donations are deductible.

Our media is controlled by dark forces. Dark agendas are real. The Devil controls out Government and Satan HATES Christ’s children. We are the children of the light! We are the children of the TRUTH.

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell. Lies, deception, and fear, Oh My!

By the way…how about the fires out west? Oh…you haven’t heard about them? Hmmm.?

And where do citizens go to vote in hurricane-ravaged MAGA country?! “The wicked walk on every side when the vilest of men are exalted” Psalm12:8

Wake up! “For you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free!!”