Brigade Daily Update: Texas Floods

Daily Updates for Salt and Light Brigade Efforts in Hurricane Harvey


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DATE: 9/7/17

Supply runs to both Port Arthur area and Conroe underway.

Supplies headed to TX

DATE: 9/6/17

Two of our support organizations, Hear the Watchmen and Skywatch TV

DATE: 9/5/17

Our Port Arthur guys are back at it after a few hours sleep. The attached video shows the water they had to contend with bringing their boats into the area. Two sites are being planned for food operations and supplies starting Sept 21. King Jesus Ministries-LA are preparing hand-outs to be taken down this week.

King Jesus Ministry-LA preparing Handout Bags of Supplies

DATE: 9/4/17

We have organized an initial weekend to solidify contacts in the area on Sept 8-10. We will be assessing things as how to best apply our resources. Sept 21-25, we are working to establish two work crews. One in Rockport area and second in the Conroe area.  Lodging for Rockport area is secured and hope to have a second site secured in the next 24 hours near Conroe. There are other locations to house responders as needed.

Our second location is in the Conroe area. It is developing nicely and many people are stepping into the gap to solve issues. There is much work to be done. Lodging is our only issue. Please push on social media that what is in need now is CLEANING SUPPLIES: Bleach, rubber gloves, towels, brushes, scrubbing bubbles, Lysol, mosquito and ant spray.

We are still supporting our responder team in Port Arthur and they are doing a magnificent job! This is a marathon not a sprint. We are installing additional dates for volunteers to respond. This is a gigantic event and the devastation is far reaching.

Thanks for your support and prayers.

– Coach Dave

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14

DATE: 9/3/2017


Feeding in Port Arthur and Providing some Fellowship

Feeding operations in Port Arthur

Coach’s Interview with Derek Gilbert: A View From the Bunker


Click for Audio Podcast

DATE: 9/02/2017

DATE: 9/01/2017


Public Health Issues

Boots On the Ground