by altha-admin | Jun 2, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
I don’t know if you have ever taken the time to watch my daily show. If not, it would be worth your time to give it a try. It airs live every weekday morning at 7:00 AM EDT, and is archived for later viewing and downloading. It is free. Just this morning we wondered...
by altha-admin | May 15, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
“So just what religion are you?” I had a man ask me on the street the other day. “Christian.” I responded. “That’s not what I mean. Where do you go to church? Are you a Baptist or something?” “No.” I responded. “I am a Christian…a believer…a follower of Jesus...
by altha-admin | May 2, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
I continue to be amazed at what we are teaching our children. Those (whoever they are) that are in charge of what is being taught to our children in America’s public schools have lost their stinkin minds. They’re “public” schools, you know. Meaning that what is...
by altha-admin | Mar 29, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
America has undergone a radical transformation and the average American is oblivious to what has occurred. As the average “Deplorable” laments the decline of this once great nation very few have a deep understanding of what has actually occurred. The Bible, which...
by altha-admin | Mar 15, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
I’ve been putting off writing this one for a couple of months. I was hoping the gnawing in my conscience would go away if I simply outlasted it. But I can’t. At least not any longer. I have always found that speaking what was on my mind was the best pressure...
by altha-admin | Feb 26, 2018 | Articles, News with Views Column
Every argument in the world is based on perspective. That truism is becoming more and more obvious as we journey farther and farther down the rat-hole that has become public debate. The more divided America becomes the more emotions come in to play. We used to use...
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