Never Let A Crisis Go to Waste

Never Let A Crisis Go to Waste

I think it was Rahm Emmanuel of the Obama administration who is credited with that statement about a crisis.  And Lord knows that Obama and his demonic crew took advantage every opportunity that they could to bring division to America. Divide and conquer is the oldest...
Rescue the Perishing

Rescue the Perishing

We are raising money for hurricane Harvey relief.  We have a long track record of effective disaster relief.  We believe it is the job of the church to rescue those who are perishing. Can you help? By PayPal: Send to Sign up for SWAT Deployment I...
I’m Proud to Be White

I’m Proud to Be White

I am proud to be white. There.  I said it.  If you are reading this commentary then you are probably witnessing a miracle.  I would assume that Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram have not banned me. That is usually what happens when someone expresses an...
The Make-Believe Muzzle

The Make-Believe Muzzle

Fake news is all of the rage in America today.  If the Truth be told there are a lot of “fake” things that we believe.  In fact, many of the problems we face today come from believing things that simply are not true. That’s right, my friends.  Dishonesty is ruling the...