Give Us Barabbas

Give Us Barabbas

I couldn’t care less what Judge Roy Moore did forty years ago. There.  I said it. I’ve heard all of the cat-calls from the more-righteous-than-thou Christian Moore bashers.  It makes me want to stick my finger down my throat.  Their hypocrisy SCREAMS but they can’t...
America is a Captured Nation

America is a Captured Nation

This is a bit long…but I promise it is worth it. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within… An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst...
The Deplorables Are Digging In

The Deplorables Are Digging In

The best thing you can possibly do for your sanity is turn off ALL television news. All of it… including FAUX News.   We just don’t understand how deep the deception goes.  There is no such thing as “conservative” news and “liberal” news.  In fact, any news...
This is That

This is That

  “But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:  For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour...