Meet You at the Polls

Meet You at the Polls

Stay with me to the end.  Here is an opportunity for YOU to make a difference. Ever since the miracle of Donald Trump’s election nearly two years ago, I have been warning anyone who will listen, that Donald Trump cannot Make America Great Again!  Only the American...
Stop the Sexual Profiling of Men

Stop the Sexual Profiling of Men

I travel a lot. More than I would like to. I am sitting in the airport typing this. I usually enjoy myself when I get to my destination, but the constant suspicion I am under while travelling to and from makes me uncomfortable.  Angry, actually. That would be a better...
Do You Trust the Government?

Do You Trust the Government?

I was born in 1952 and grew up in a time when most things involving the government were noble and respected.  It grieves me to say that today I no longer trust the government. How about you?  Do you have trust in your government?  Do you believe that the government...
Evil Spirits in High Places

Evil Spirits in High Places

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:13 Some of you will get this and some of you will not.  You...