Chopping up the Soil

Jul 18, 2018 | 0 comments




We’ve got to get out of the pews and onto the streets to chop up the soil and plant. The problem is, the Church has lost its conscience. It’s comfortable to sit in the pews, but not to get out of the fish tank to where the fish really are. They’re out there needing to hear the truth.

We’re here in Indianapolis, Indiana this week, tilling soil, planting seeds, and seeing God bring the increase. One homosexual was so touched, he literally couldn’t stand under the power of the Holy Spirit. He became set free in Jesus.

But mostly, we are telling people, in their language – using intellectual, scientific facts – the truth about abortion.

Will you join us? Get your hoe out! Help us chop up the soil, so we can plant and water the seeds.

Pass the Salt!

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