Impact Players

Today’s show features guest, Michael S. Heath, who led the Christian Civic League of Maine for 16 years from 1994-2009. He fought aggressively against sodomy, in the public square, statewide in Maine.
An impact player on a team, not only plays exceptionally well, an impact player changes the performance of everyone around him. He can affect the play in a positive or negative way.
If he is supremely confident and on the offense, he can inspire courage and confidence in the other players. John the Baptist was an aggressive impact player. He wasn’t afraid, even of his own death.
If he is afraid, he will undermine the team’s ability to win, and they will cower with fear, also.
When I got sued by the ACLU in 1997, I got dragged into this fight. All the sissy men ran and hide. I was ready to grab the sword and run up the hill. We’ve met the enemy and he is us. The Scripture tells us our enemies will be those of our own household.
Listen to today’s show for more…
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