Wearing the Cleats of Peace

Is the gospel only for us to become saved? And now, we follow the rules of God and live our best life now? Or is there more to life? What about Psalm 91 – He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Dwelling in the shelter of the Most High and abiding in the shadow of the Almighty? What does it mean?
Verse 1 – He that abides or dwells (in a permanent place) in a secret place stays protected, where the bad cannot get you. But it’s not a place to hide out. The shelter of God’s wings follows you wherever you go. Even into battle. For we are called into battle, with the full armor of God – Ephesians 6:10-18. Put on the armor, because the darts will come. Even though the wings of God are covering us.
You can put as many guys as you want on a team, but if you’re not teaching them how to play, what’s the point? Are we an army? If so, what or whom are we fighting? Is the Church teaching us how to fight, or just live our best life now?
Readiness implies constant vigilance. A true soldier studies his enemy’s strategy, being confident in his own strategy, and having his feet firmly planted so that he can hold his ground when the attacks come. A soldier’s shoes are studded with nails or spikes, like cleats. Ready for anything.
The “peace” shoes that God supplies, are for defense and offense. This ain’t about you having your best life now. This is about you contributing to God’s army. We’re supposed to occupy till He comes. You’re going to trample on evil’s feet. Those who know God, know God will deliver them.
Pass the Salt!
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