What Am I Afraid Of?

We pay over 50% of our income, to the government. We’e paying fees, taxes, disposal taxes, estate taxes, environmental fees, excise taxes, federal employment, unemployment and more taxes. Taxes. Taxes. Inspection fees, inventory taxes, IRS interest charges, penalties, library taxes, local corporate, school, property taxes. And the list goes on and on and on.
This has become a way of life in America, so we accept it.
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render unto God that which is God’s.” Caesar is a crook! The list of taxes goes on and on. Our money belongs to the Lord, not the government.
The American government lets us own the businesses using “demi socialism,” meaning we’re responsible to make sure people show up to work, we’re responsible to make sure the company is run well, but we have to pay the government 50% in TAXES!
Ultimately, the government says that the fruit of your labor is a dollar bill. But God doesn’t say the fruit of your labor is money.
What am I afraid of? Am I afraid of the government?
The purpose of your life. Your life is not your own. You have been bought with a price. You are a tool for God’s kingdom. You have been crucified with Christ, and nevertheless you live. You are a dead man. You are Christ’s screw driver or hammer.
Until we realize this, we are not free.
If I thought my grandchildren would be punished by the government, because of what I don’t do now, would that affect what I do, today?
Pass the Salt!
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Bible Verses
"MyPIllow" guy, Michael Lindell invested $1 million into "UnPlanned". "I'm pro-life and I'm happy to do it," Lindell says.
Posted by Donald Spitz on Tuesday, April 2, 2019