The Tyranny is Here | Pass the Salt Live | 2.27.2018 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:29Hey folks, we really need Courage back in America. We have got to stand up against the tyranny happening around us....
The Tyranny is Here

The Tyranny is Here

Full Show Description Hey folks, we really need Courage back in America. We have got to stand up against the tyranny happening around us. We have got to get involved in whatever way we can. Get involved in local politics. Go to the meetings, know your selectmen, get...

Public Schools and the Gospel of Government file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:01Just as churches are the arm of education for Christianity, so the public schools are the education for communism. We...
Public Schools and the Gospel of Government

Resistance is Necessary

The time to end abortion is now. We are apathetic, we don’t even care about the innocent children. We must repent of this evil we have committed on innocent children. We are killing children, we aren’t saving women. We are killing children. The United States is...