Pretend Legislation | Coach Dave Live | 1-20-2020

Pretend Legislation | Coach Dave Live | 1-20-2020 file | Play in new window | Duration: 54:34Pretend Legislation | Coach Dave Live | 1-20-2020 There’s a lot of disinformation concerning today’s event in Richmond. ...
Spirit of Life in Action

Spirit of Life in Action

iFrame is not supported! Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO The Church teaches us how to behave, instead of how to BE – to think and to live! The soul that sins, it shall die. That’s the Old Testament Law of sin and death.The new covenant Law of Life,...
Pretend Legislation | Coach Dave Live | 1-20-2020

Spirit of Life in Action | Coach Dave Live | 8.8.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:30The Church teaches us how to behave, instead of how to BE – to think and to live! The soul that sins, it shall...