Playing Offense

Playing Offense

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. We do not fear God. We have been taught such an all-encompassing grace, that there is no fear of God any longer. If there is nothing you need to be saved from, then the gospel has lost its bite. It’s not about President...

Playing Offense file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:11Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. We do not fear God. We have been taught such an all-encompassing grace,...
Playing Offense

That Federal Beast

Description: Homosex and Sodomites are the most diabolically destructive thing in American culture. That’s why it’s important. Something that makes a boy lover other boys is demonic. It is evil and from the depths of Hell. It turns God’s order on its head. It is a...

That Federal Beast file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:50Homosex and Sodomites are the most diabolically destructive thing in American culture. That’s why it’s...

There Are No Rules in Love and War file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:41Home In today’s episode Coach begins by talking about Christmas. Christmas has been turned into...