No Root, No Fruit

No Root, No Fruit

Description: Today Coach discusses in depth the affect multiculturalism has on your children. Multiculturalism is seductive and evil. It creates a level of moral relativism that is not true, nor accurate with the Bible. This is done through the school system, and it...

No Root, No Fruit file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:25  Today Coach discusses in depth the affect multiculturalism has on your children. Multiculturalism is seductive and evil. It creates a level...
No Root, No Fruit

Cognitive Dissonance

Audio Only Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:15 Articles/Websites in Episode: Dave Daubenmire: ‘We Cannot Vote For Hillary Clinton Because Women Are Not To Have Authority...

Feckless Womanish Leadership file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:06Coach opens the show commenting a visit to the Apple store yesterday and segues to a short video he recorded yesterday that is on the...