Resistance is Necessary

Resistance is Necessary

The time to end abortion is now. We are apathetic, we don’t even care about the innocent children. We must repent of this evil we have committed on innocent children. We are killing children, we aren’t saving women. We are killing children. The United States is...

Resistance is Necessary file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:05The time to end abortion is now. We are apathetic, we don’t even care about the innocent children. We must...
Resistance is Necessary

Loving Sinners more than God

The body of Christ or the bride of Christ? In the Bible the Church is called the body of Christ 22 times. Do you know how many times it calls the Church the bride of Christ? None. Not once. Nowhere in the Bible is the Church referred to as the bride of Christ. Why is...

Loving Sinners more than God file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:11The body of Christ or the bride of Christ? In the Bible the Church is called the body of Christ 22...

Satan is Losing His Grip on America file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:22Everything evil in this country has come from government schools. The devil’s team understands...