God Gave Them Up | Coach Dave Live | 1-8-2020

God Gave Them Up | Coach Dave Live | 1-8-2020

https://coachdavelive.com/podcast-player/29090/god-gave-them-up-coach-dave-live-1-8-2020.mp3Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:20Audio: https://coachdavelive.com/wp-content/uploads/1-8-2020.mp3 God Gave Them Up | Coach Dave Live | 1-8-2020 “When did...
TRUTH and the Consequences of Sin

TRUTH and the Consequences of Sin

Full Show Description Listen folks. Behavior matters. The entire Bible is about sin and its consequences. All sin is a behavior. So, OF COURSE BEHAVIOR MATTERS. We need to get our heads on straight about sin, and what it means to be a Christian. Christians respect and...
The Battle for the Children

The Battle for the Children

Full Show Description Went to a high school and spoke to a group of seniors yesterday. You should’ve been there, it was a beautiful thing to watch. The kids had no idea what hit them. We were discussing gender and homosexuality. This is because the kids were studying...