Truth Disarms | Pass the Salt Live | 9.6.18

Truth Disarms | Pass the Salt Live | 9.6.18 file | Play in new window | Duration: 29:30Opinions come and go. Opinions change. Quit trying to rationalize what the Scripture says. Crack the dog open and let him...

God is Love – Anal Sex Ain’t | Pass the Salt Live | 6.27.18 file | Play in new window | Duration: 29:59Anal sex ain’t love. God is. We went to the steps of the Supreme Court, yesterday, to proclaim truth about sodomy. The Obergefell decision of June 26,...
Sodomy is a Crime Against Nature

Sodomy is a Crime Against Nature

Full Show Description Jeremiah Thomas is still fighting for his life. He has been moved to a hospital in San Diego, because his lungs began bleeding. They are looking for a doctor to do surgery for a tumor near his lungs. God is working through this whole event....
As Bold as Lions

As Bold as Lions

The Sodomites are proud of what they ought to be ashamed of and ashamed of what they ought to be proud of. Christians are the same way. We are ashamed of the Gospel. We are so ashamed of it we run off to different countries instead of staying here and preaching it....