As Bold as Lions file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:30The Sodomites are proud of what they ought to be ashamed of and ashamed of what they ought to be proud of. Christians...
That Federal Beast

That Federal Beast

Description: Homosex and Sodomites are the most diabolically destructive thing in American culture. That’s why it’s important. Something that makes a boy lover other boys is demonic. It is evil and from the depths of Hell. It turns God’s order on its head. It is a...

That Federal Beast file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:50Homosex and Sodomites are the most diabolically destructive thing in American culture. That’s why it’s...
That Federal Beast

Even Heaven Has Walls

Description: The idea that Christians are to accept everyone is wrong. The modern church is preaching that regardless of what sin you have in your life, you are allowed in. Come on in and taint everyone else within the walls. Even Heaven has gates and walls. Heaven...

Even Heaven Has Walls file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:57The idea that Christians are to accept everyone is wrong. The modern church is preaching that regardless of...