What is Prayer? | Coach Dave Live | 1-15-2020

What is Prayer? | Coach Dave Live | 1-15-2020

https://coachdavelive.com/podcast-player/29192/what-is-prayer-coach-dave-live-1-15-2020.mp3Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:06What is Prayer? | Coach Dave Live | 1-15-2020 Coach is in Charlotte North Carolina supporting Alan Hoyle, a street preacher. ...
What is Prayer? | Coach Dave Live | 1-15-2020

Boat Rocker | Coach Dave Live | 1-9-2020

https://coachdavelive.com/podcast-player/29105/boat-rocker-coach-dave-live-1-9-2020.mp3Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:31Audio — https://coachdavelive.com/podcast/boat-rocker-coach-dave-live-1-9-2020 Boat Rocker | Coach Dave Live | 1-9-2020...
Teach My Hands to War

Teach My Hands to War

Teach My Hands to War He teacheth our hands to war.  Psalm 144:1 That is an unlikely statement to hear from a modern day Christian, isn’t it?  Christians are supposed to “make love, not war.”  At least that is what the social terrorists of the 1970’s told us.  “Love...
What is Prayer? | Coach Dave Live | 1-15-2020

Poisoning the Well | Coach Dave Live | November 26, 2019

https://coachdavelive.com/podcast-player/28521/poisoning-the-well-coach-dave-live-november-26-2019.mp3Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:04Description: Poisoning the Well | Coach Dave Live |  November 26, 2019 Do Donald Trump and Mike Pence have a...