Brother Jed Smock | Coach Dave Live | 9.25.19

Brother Jed Smock | Coach Dave Live | 9.25.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:15Brother Jed Smock – 76 years old, visits college campuses all around the country preaching the Gospel. He talks to students, engaging the lost. Brother Jed is a...
Brother Jed Smock | Coach Dave Live | 9.25.19

God’s Minority Wins | Coach Dave Live | 9.24.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 29:34It doesn’t take a majority. It only takes an irate minority, setting brush fires in the minds of men, said Sam Adams during America’s Revolution.   When...
Brother Jed Smock | Coach Dave Live | 9.25.19

Speak the Truth | Coach Dave Live | 9.9.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:34Do you think there’s a Deep State? Is there anything we can do? Why are we electing corrupt people? Or are they corrupted after they are elected? Why are the...