The Clintons Must Go

The Clintons Must Go

I knew that when I wrote last week’s column declaring that I was going to vote for Donald Trump that the reaction was probably going to be strong.  But the push back was far more than I could ever have expected.  Because of that I thought I would write a second column...
The Value of Your Vote

The Value of Your Vote

I am voting for Donald Trump. There I said it.  After much soul searching I have decided what I am going to do.  I imagine I am about to hear from a bunch of you about what a “sell-out” I am.  You know how it goes…how can a REAL Christian EVER vote for a strip club...
There Are Not Enough Handcuffs

There Are Not Enough Handcuffs

America is on fire. I don’t know how else to explain it.  Except for the sex-industry, I don’t know if there is anything that Americans are good at. Every single aspect of our culture is burning.  We stick our collective heads in the sand and pretend that everything...
The Lying Left

The Lying Left

“You are of your father the Devil and the works of your father you will do.”  Jesus Christ as recorded in the Book of John. “I am the way THE TRUTH and the life…” Jesus Christ later on in John. The political left is replete with liars.  Watching the latest escapades...
The WASPs are Awakening

The WASPs are Awakening

The WASPs are Awakening! This one takes a little bit of courage to write and a little bit of courage to read. Touching anything to do with the subject of “race” and especially the “white race” is the third rail of Christian ministry. Yet, I am compelled to speak the...