Killing O’Reilly

Killing O’Reilly

They say it is not very kind to kick a man when he is down so I hope that this little ditty doesn’t come across as gloating.  That certainly is not my intention. But after all of the “Killing” books authored by Fox News star Bill O’Reilly it seems rather apparent to...
Fake Women’s Healthcare

Fake Women’s Healthcare

I don’t know if you have noticed it lately or not, but the airwaves and ether zone are bristling with meaningless terms that have become part of the American lexicon.  Because we have lost the ability to think logically the media is able to create a narrative by...
Secularism is Sinking Sand

Secularism is Sinking Sand

Matthew 7:24  Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it...
Christ-less Conservatism

Christ-less Conservatism

America is a mess and it is getting messier every day.  If you think I am wrong I invite you to spend a couple of hours with a group of high school seniors. I don’t care where you find them.  I don’t care if it is in a school, at a mall, or, dare I say it, a Christian...
I’m Sick of the Eggheads

I’m Sick of the Eggheads

There is nothing that sets me off more than listening to the smarter-than-you experts that masquerade as talking heads on the Boob Tube.   Too be honest, a lot of them actually make my skin crawl.  For the life of me I can’t figure out what they have done to qualify...
A Return to the Old World Order

A Return to the Old World Order

It may not be morning in America again, but if you listen hard you can hear the neighborhood rooster taking in a deep breath.   Don’t get me wrong, not everything is coming up roses, but change is blowing on the wind. The New World Order is the one that is gasping for...