Time to Go for the Jugular

Time to Go for the Jugular

American Christianity has lost the killer instinct. For most of you reading this the thought of killer instinct and Christianity do not seem to go together.  In our desire to “show the love of Jesus” we have permitted the Name of the Lord to be dragged through the...
Politically Correct Sin

Politically Correct Sin

A group of twenty of my buddies and I just returned from Washington DC where we spent the weekend engaging folks with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  Despite what you might have heard the Inauguration and parade was a very peaceful and inspiring event.  Although...
Masculine Men and Feminine Women

Masculine Men and Feminine Women

I love my wife. That may sound corny, but I really do love her.  Although my bias is obvious I would not hesitate to place her in the top 10% of all over-sixty women in America. I’m talking about her beauty…her physical attractiveness…not simply the fact that I have...
Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best

We are losing our kids. I don’t know how we can’t see it.  Even those who were raised in “Christian” homes seem to be wandering aimlessly in the moral cesspool known as America.  The Scriptures warn us that “When there was no God in Israel everyone did what was right...