Popeye Meets the Bullies

Popeye Meets the Bullies

I don’t know about you but Christmas came early for me. As is usual, all of the members of my family are asking what I would like to have for Christmas. “Nothing.” I tell everyone who asks. “There is nothing you can get me that will top what I received on November 8,...
Another Republican Sellout

Another Republican Sellout

Well the covers just keep being pulled back and more and more RINOS are being exposed.  Our eccentric governor John Kasich is the latest one to have his private parts exposed and it is now obvious for everyone to see that he does not possess what is generally required...
Pizzagate and the Unseen World

Pizzagate and the Unseen World

The biggest lie that the Devil has every foisted on the American people is that he really doesn’t exist…at least not in the literal sense. He has convinced us that he is nothing more than a mythical creation in the manner of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  Satan,...
We are Spending Our Inheritance

We are Spending Our Inheritance

I don’t know what you think, but I believe that God intervened in the election last week.  I’m not sure if that is good or bad, but like so many other things in life, it depends on your perspective.  Either way, God did something big in America. Some say the election...
Make the Church Great Again

Make the Church Great Again

Donald Trump showed his marketing genius when he came up with the campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”  It was catchy and it captured the spirit of the average American voter.  Many of us remember the “good old days” in the good old U S of A, and we are smart...
What is Your Solution?

What is Your Solution?

This election cycle is enough to drive a person crazy.  I don’t know if I have ever in my lifetime seen so much confusion about what is happening in America.  It is the judgment of God on America. We are told in 2 Thessalonians that God “would send a strong delusion...