I Lied to the Pollsters

I Lied to the Pollsters

I know that lying is a sin…at least that is what I am told the Bible teaches.  However, the Bible actually says that it is a sin to, “bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Not all lying is sinful.  The purpose of the commandment “Thou Shall Not Lie”…which isn’t...
The Mask is Off

The Mask is Off

We have known it all along but we just have not been willing to admit it.  As the old saying goes, “are you going to trust me or your eyes?” Thanks be to God that our eyes are finally opening.  As the Bible tells us, “there is nothing hidden that will not be...
Has Mighty Casey Struck Out?

Has Mighty Casey Struck Out?

I received an email yesterday from an acquaintance named Lou.  He mentioned what I had said to a friend of mine after the debate Monday night.  I took the prodding of Lou’s email as a sign that I should write about it. Most Americans are familiar with the story of...
Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Keep Your Eye on the Ball By Dave Daubenmire Hillary Clinton is toast.  You can believe the lying media and their lying polls if you want to. Hillary is toast.  She will not make it to the November election. The issue is not her health…although her health is certainly...
Shoot The Dog You Know

Shoot The Dog You Know

Always Shoot The Dog That You Know You may find this commentary a little bit unusual, but there is a political message in it.  I have learned in the past several months that the fastest way to make enemies in this demonically charged culture is to come out in...