The Obama vs Trump Paradigm

The Obama vs Trump Paradigm

Full Show Description The censorship is coming down fast. They are trying to make it harder and harder and harder to find us. We are staying online at the website as long as possible. Realize folks, when you don’t have the right to speak truth, it’s going to get even...

The Obama vs Trump Paradigm | Pass the Salt Live | 3.1.2018–-3.1.2018.m4aDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:03The censorship is coming down fast. They are trying to make it harder and harder and harder to find us. We...

Men of Courage file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:53Christian men are ashamed. They are ashamed because they know they should be doing something, and they aren’t. They are...
Get up and Go Christians

Get up and Go Christians

The definition of courage according to Eddie Rickenbacker, “Doing that which you fear”. That’s what we do at Pass the Salt Ministries. We help you face your fears and strengthen your courage. We are going to the biggest “gay” pride parade in America on June 16th and...

Get Up and Go Christians file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:23The definition of courage according to Eddie Rickenbacker, “Doing that which you fear”. That’s what we do at...