Vanity, The Deep State, and Love of Money file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:52Christians do not understand the power we have. We act like we have no power. We aren’t unified. Jesus Christ has given us...
The Deception in the Pews

The Deception in the Pews

You have been programmed and dumbed down in public schools. You have been programmed and dumbed down in Church. There is a, “Deep State” in the church. There is a force that is working to destroy the Christian church. Look around, look at the fruit. The same thing...

The Deception in the Pews file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:03:02You have been programmed and dumbed down in public schools. You have been programmed and dumbed down in Church. There is a, “Deep State”...
The Deception in the Pews

Our Brainwashed Kids

We are living in dangerous times. Nobody is in more danger than Donald Trump. He is exposing, through his example and efforts, the, “Deep State”. This is the, “Big Brother” written about in 1984 by George Orwell. They monitor and surveil everything simply for the sake...

Our Brainwashed Kids file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:48We are living in dangerous times. Nobody is in more danger than Donald Trump. He is exposing, through his example and efforts, the, “Deep...