by altha-admin | Nov 15, 2017’s-God-Pass-the-Salt-Live-11.15.2017.m4aDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:41Listen folks, the purpose of government is to secure God given rights. Let me say it again. The...
by altha-admin | Jul 12, 2017 | Audio, Pass the Salt Live, Video
Christians need to go to the courtrooms and see what goes on. The court and “Justice” system is corrupt. They are charging people money for being part of the court. When the government starts extracting fees from the people in all levels of government agency, it is...
by altha-admin | Jul 12, 2017 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:02:18Christians need to go to the courtrooms and see what goes on. The court and “Justice” system is corrupt. They are...
by altha-admin | Jun 6, 2017 | Audio, Pass the Salt Live, Video
God is the same in the beginning, middle, and end. He changes not. The same principle that applies in Psalms applies in Matthew, Jude, and Revelation. He doesn’t change! Part of God is love, but guess what? Part of God is Hate. He clearly states MANY times throughout...
by altha-admin | Jun 6, 2017 file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:19God is the same in the beginning, middle, and end. He changes not. The same principle that applies in...
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