Trust but Verify | Coach Dave Live | 1-6-2020

Trust but Verify | Coach Dave Live | 1-6-2020 file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:51Trust but Verify | Coach Dave Live | 1-6-2020 In this information age how do we “trust but verify?”  How do we figure out what and who to trust? Coach offered...
Trust but Verify | Coach Dave Live | 1-6-2020

Self Evaluation | Coach Dave Live | 1-1-20 file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:46Self-Evaluation | Coach Dave Live | 1-1-20 Football coaches do a lot of self-evaluation.  It is constant.  When the team loses there’s a reason the team lost. ...
Trust but Verify | Coach Dave Live | 1-6-2020

Trust and the Gospel | Coach Dave Live | 11.15.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:25Who Do We Trust? We don’t even know what it means to trust. We have come to trust that most of the media and lawyers to lie to us. I trust people till they...