Testosterone is a Good Thing

Testosterone is a Good Thing

Full Show Description I’m tired of hyphenated Christians. We think you are your denomination before you are Christian. Guess what, if you think you are something else more than a Christian, you probably aren’t a Christian. It’s an all or nothing game we play, so get...

Testosterone is a Good Thing | Pass the Salt Live | 2.15.2018

https://coachdavelive.com/wp-content/uploads/Testosterone-is-a-Good-Thing-Pass-the-Salt-Live-–-2.15.2018.m4aDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:21I’m tired of hyphenated Christians. We think you are your denomination before you are Christian. Guess what,...
Justice, Judgment, and White Men

Justice, Judgment, and White Men

Full Show Description Christ changes you. You truly become a new man. Those old things, habits, addictions, become something from the past. In the pursuit of Christ, you change and value the things God values, not the things man values. He is light and life and...
Violence, Trump, and the Racist Left

Violence, Trump, and the Racist Left

Where in the Bible does it say, “Violence is never the answer”. Where does it say that? If you have God-haters throwing urine at your wife, you are just going to sit by and watch it happen? You won’t defend the innocent? You won’t defend your family? What kind of man...