It’s Time to Man Up For Jesus

It’s Time to Man Up For Jesus

(Joshua Chamberlain at the battle of Little Round Top) It’s Time to Man Up For Jesus! I saw this week that President Obama’s approval rating is nearing 50% again.  What in the world is wrong with people?  Have we fallen so far that the American people approve of...
Why Does No One Care?

Why Does No One Care?

Why Does No One Care? ”I’d rather die than let you Christian bigots win,” the butch-haired, plumpy woman screeched at me.  “Women have fought too long and hard to gain our rights and we will not remain silent as you Neanderthals try and drag women back into the dark...
I am a Hater.

I am a Hater.

I have finally decided to come clean.  I suspect that many of you have realized it for years.  In fact, my inbox usually fills up very quickly after I write one of my stinging commentaries. “You are a hater!” goes the usual template.  The writer then of goes off on a...