Rotten Fish

Rotten Fish

The fish is one of the symbols of Christianity and the fish are rotting. How could Evangelicals go for Trump? That is the question that is reverberating around the empty halls of America’s churches. It’s very simple. Our churches are full of dead fish....
Have We Lost Our Stinkin Minds

Have We Lost Our Stinkin Minds

Common sense.  That is probably the rarest commodity in all of America.  We don’t even know what that means anymore. Common sense used to mean something that even the doltish of humans could understand.  You don’t eat dog poop.  You don’t touch dead animals that are...

Boots on the Ground in Nashville

Your prayers and support have put the Brigade’s SWAT team on the ground in Nashville, Tennessee.  Coach led Brigade warriors onto the streets bright and early this morning.  They are greeting politicians and state house workers as they arrive.  Watch a one...

Success! Baby Saved! Eyes Opened!

Coach Dave, I just wanted to say thank you for helping to open my eyes to this tragedy unfolding daily in our communities.  I knew about it, but did not feel like I could make a difference alone.  I remember a wise man once telling me that God doesn’t call the...