The fight in America isn’t political. Look back over your shoulder since Ronald Reagan. Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. That’s our politics. You need to understand the problem is from the beginning of time. It is the seed of the serpent against the seed of the woman. It is a moral problem. It is a religious problem. It is a lack of Jesus problem, that’s it.
Our public school system has nothing to do with teaching kids how to be individuals, productive, or anything else. The system itself creates nothing but kids who are wholly unprepared for God’s reality in every sense of the word. The public school creates kids who don’t know what gender they are. Our public school creates people who are unable to be productive citizens. Just look around! It is obvious!
Wake up, get your kids out of public schools, and realize this battle is between God and Satan and has been since the beginning of the human race. If you aren’t serving the Lord Jesus Christ, you are on the Devil’s team.
Hey, Pass the Salt.
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No doubt that the “systems” (e.g., government, education, healthcare) are all spawned by the devil…the question for me is how do we disengage? Is there a way to participate without falling prey to the traps laid for us?
I am recently married but was a single mother for most of my teenage sons’ lives and had little choice when it came to their schooling. They have been in public school since the beginning, and I have encouraged them to think for themselves, question everything, regurgitate what the teachers teach so they can pass to the next level, but not to believe any of the lies. They used to stand up for the truth but they faced repercussions and had to remain after school for some made up reason or face some similar fate. It’s AWFUL!! They hate being there; they know they’re being taught lies. I would love to home school them, but I don’t know how I could do it and still afford to live. We are slaves to the system…just the way they designed it. Feminism was never about liberating women; it was about taxing the other half of the able bodied adults (women) so they could indoctrinate our children even earlier than they already were!
So…how do we disengage?